Quick Phrases
1. Would you please repeat that?
2. Would you speak a little more slowly, please?
3. Did you say ____?
4. How do you say ____ in English?
5. Excuse me, I thought you said ____.
6. I have a question. May I ask a question?
7. I don’t understand.
8. What does ____ mean?
9. Whose turn is it?
10. I can’t hear you. Could you speak a little louder?
11. What page are we on?
12. Is it my turn?
10. What did you say?
11. What do you mean?
12. Would you write that on the board, please?
13. Thank you for your help.
Verb Chart (irregular verbs)
1. bring brought
buy bought
fight fought
think thought
2. catch caught
teach taught
3. build built
send sent
spend spent
4. dream dreamt
leave left
passed away- died
of a certain age-means that a person is older, not old or elderly, but not considered young
catchy- a tune, motto, or slogan that is likable and usually very easy to remember
beloved- highly loved, adored, valued
awestruck- amazed, filled with wonder
anatomy- the structure of the body or study of the body
voracious- unending hunger, the desire to devour